How to make a lot of money with google ads

how to make a lot of money with google ads

Did you know that there are multiple ways of making money with Google AdSense? Hwo there could be opportunities you are missing out on when it comes to making money with Google? If you want to maximize your Google AdSense profits, then be sure to look into the following ways to making money with AdSense. Certain types of sites perform better than others when it comes to generating Google AdSense revenue. The two things you need to make money with AdSense are great content and a lot of traffic. In terms of content, there are two types of content. There is content that attracts new people to your site every day, and there is content that brings visitors back every day. Ideally, you want to have a good balance of .

Top 10 Legitimate Ways to Make Money Online with Google

If you have a website, a blog, or any other kind of presence on the internet, Google has a way to monetize it. It’s called Google AdSense , and it’s a program that tries to make everyone a financial winner: Advertisers get new clients or sales through the Adwords program, Google gets money to serve those ads, and you get money when people click on them. Using internet search technology, Google will serve ads that are relevant to the specific content of a web page. For instance, if someone is on a web page that’s covering the latest golf tournament, Google will serve ads for golf clubs or golfing attire. If you own that site, you get paid every time someone clicks on one of those ads. You may not even notice banner ads anymore. As an internet-savvy society, we have learned to filter them out. There is also banner-filtering software available because banner ads can be very annoying, and that could harm your website readership. However, Google AdSense is different because ads are less intrusive than large banner ads, and the content is specifically relevant to the web page, and therefore has more impact. It’s also possible to make a healthy living from Google Ads. With the right combination of traffic, content, and users, you can make thousands of dollars every single month.

Create the right type of website for Google AdSense.

You cannot expect to throw Google Ads onto your site, sit back, relax, and watch the money roll in. It doesn’t work that way. Like anything in business, it takes an investment of your time to get a return that you can bank on. If you currently have a blog or website that gets , visitors every single month, that’s more than 1 million every year. Consider how that relates to potential ad revenue:. You are more likely to see a rate somewhere between those two, which adds up to possibly hundreds of dollars each month. The more obvious and widespread the keyword of the ad, which is what triggers the ad itself, the lower the CPC—and that is information you can use.

Use different types of ad units.

In terms of content, there are two types of content. Ideally, you want to have a good balance of both. This is the twin of Google Adsense, but it differs slightly in that it is meant for advertisers. Instead push the ad down after paragraph 1 or paragraph 2. For example, listicle clickbait gets a bad rap.

Use different types of ad units.

For years, I focused on affiliate marketing and local business promotion. While both are excellent, failing to use AdSense was a big mistake. In fact, I think not using AdSense cost me at a minimum hundreds of thousands of dollars and perhaps millions of dollars.

Because when I focused on affiliate marketing, I went after fairly competitive keywords that had buyer intent. I published massive websites that only published buyer-intent content with affiliate links. Because those keywords were fairly competitive, I did old-school link building which ultimately ended up receiving Google Penguin penalties. Had I used AdSense on those sites, I would have published all kinds of content and probably would have been less aggressive with link building and focused on building large, popular niche website s which is what I do.

Please note that some of that revenue was generated from paid traffic so not all of it is profit. You can also read my income reports which covers 2 niche sites, one of which is monetized with display ads. In fact, one big reason I publish Fat Stacks Entrepreneur is to spread the word that display ads can be a very lucrative way to monetize a website. Just so you know, I use the term AdSense to refer to display ads in general.

However, AdSense is not the only game in town when it comes to display ads. Other display ad networks I use include Media. And then many niches can be monetized with many revenue streams including AdSense, native ads, affiliate promotions, selling products, sponsored posts.

Frankly, the more effective revenue streams you develop, the better your website. It was going to be affiliate promotion. However, one day I decided to put AdSense on it and it earned hundreds of dollars immediately while affiliate commissions were still non-existent at that point. Obviously you may not have the same success I did, but you never know how AdSense will perform unless you give it a shot. Generally speaking, AdSense is great on the following types of sites for lack of better monetization options:.

Implementing AdSense is super easy. You copy the code and put it on your site where you want the ad units to appear. A lot of work. If you read biz-op and make money online websites, some will tell you AdSense is the worst way to monetize a website. In fact, there are many benefits of AdSense. They are as follows:. If you have very little traffic, revenue will fluctuate a lot because a few clicks one way or another can make a big difference. They pay on time and like clockwork.

Your site has to be high quality. Of course this depends on your niche. Some niches do better in Summer, but generally Summer is not good for display ads. I could make way more money if I had carte blanche with ad placement; however, AdSense has rules to avoid accidental clicks so one must ease off the aggressiveness for fear of losing an account.

Mobile revenue per one thousand visitors is almost always. However, this is generally the case with most methods of monetization. The only ways to increase the CPC is to focus on USA traffic it pays the most and choose niches with some commercial viability. Moreover, choosing the high CPC niches such as law, insurance, website hosting is no fun and is pretty difficult to break.

The higher up in the content usually the higher the CTR. Other CTR variables include ad text color and ad sizes. If your AdSense CTR gets too high, you may incur penalties such as losing the Nessie Arrows or even losing your AdSense account altogether because of accidental clicks.

Therefore, there is a cap to how high you should strive for a CTR. Ad placement options are pretty standard. The following are the main spots for ad placement:. In the header: Generally this is a terrible location for ads.

I do not do. It works great on desktop and mobile and tablet. However, it can attract accidental clicks so if you have an unusually high CTR, this may not be good for your site. Instead push the ad down after paragraph 1 or paragraph 2. FYI: On mobile, do not use ads that are longer than at the top of a post. This is the mobile leaderboard. I center it. It does okay but not nearly as well as units above the fold. This arrangement performs. The visibility is awesome. Instead I put Monumetric ads there which do really well for me.

That leaves increasing traffic as the key variable to increase AdSense revenue over which you have the most control. Once you havemonthly visitors, little tweaks can result in nice revenue bumps for sure, but long term growth requires growing traffic. Seriously, this is important. Instead, give people what they want.

It can be a photo gallery, a video, a long article, a slideshow, a useful tool… anything as long as it does how to make a lot of money with google ads the title suggests. When people like content, they will share it. They will visit other parts of your site. Other sites will link to it although it never hurts to contact other publishers and let them know about it. For example, listicle clickbait gets a bad rap. Because people like it. They like the lists. They like the images. They like the brief, easy-to-read write-ups for each item.

Sometimes words is good. While Google is a pretty darn smart search engine and will impute keywords into content, why not be more blunt and incorporate the keyword s clear as day in the title and in the content?

You may or may not profit from paid traffic with display ads. There are many variables involved. Nevertheless, if you can get close to break even, investing in some paid traffic to get eyeballs on your site and content can be a worthy investment. Start with small investments and see what happens. Visitors are visitors and if they share the content and come back to your site and join your email list, it could very well be worth it in the long run.

You can shoot for the moon by going after monster keywords with huge search volume. You can target many long tail keywords by publishing a lot of content. Keep in mind the content still needs to be good. However, you can focus on publishing and spend less time promoting.

I tend to prefer going for more long tail keywords and publishing more content. I like this approach because by publishing more content I have more social media content to post. However, the more authority my sites gain, the more interested I am to swing for the fences. In late Juneanother ad network I use in alpha — read review here started earning more than AdSense although part of that is due to my losing Nessie arrows — UPDATE — I got my Nessie arrows back with AdSensebut even with arrows, my other ad network still out-earns AdSense which is pretty amazing.

You may just find, like I have, that other ad networks can earn as much or more than AdSense. While I earn more from display ads than affiliate commissions, I still earn a healthy 4 figures per month from affiliate offers. I think affiliate promotion has a role to play on every site.

You can choose to turn display ads off on posts with affiliate offers. In fact, when it comes to the Link Unit concept, Media. The thing is, Media. With the widespread Nessie penalty these days, here are a few more tactics that can land you in hot water:.

I almost always have a buffer between ads and images especially above-the-fold. The arrow appears to be the button for continuing to the next page. Therefore, when placing ads, be careful to avoid placement that may attract accidental clicks. You can split test.

If you want to avoid the Nessie penalty, consider placing your first in-content unit after paragraph one or two. This is less aggressive that will likely avoid Nessie penalties not a guarantee, but does lower the risk. I use a right sidebar. This unit does. I explain all this. While those tips worked great for many years, these days with the Nessie penalty which is losing Nessie arrows in text adsyou want to be careful with getting too high of an ad CTR to avoid the Nessie penalty.

The key is building up a high traffic website and doing plenty of ad testing to maximize RPM without overdoing it.

More Legitimate Ways to Make Money Online with Google

It has proven to be one of the most popular ways to make money online. Google Adsense provides a way for you to monetize your website. You can set spaces to sell ads on your website and Google connects you with advertisers. This increases the number of visitors who click on your ads and boosts your earnings.

If you have an online presence, you can profit from it with Google Ads

Google Adsense moneyy an advertising network owned by search engine giant Google. In a nutshell, you need to embed a Javascript provided to you by the platform on your site. The script will show contextual ads that are relevant to your content. You can make money off the ads if people click on. CPC, also known as cost per clickrefers to the amount of money you will receive if your visitors click on your ad. As publishers, you googlr no control witu how much you will receive for each click on your ad. Nonetheless, you can attract the best possible ads for your site using tactics that will be discussed in a different section. On the other hand, CTR or click-through rate refers to the percentage of visitors clicking on your ads while on your site. CTR is important if you want how to make a lot of money with google ads earn from Google Adsense truly. While CPC determines how much you will earn, you have very little control over the variables that determine the costs of the ads male will appear on your site. Your CTR is highly dependent on controlled variables or tactics that you can use to increase your ad performance which will also be mney later. Both metrics help you make sense of your RPM or revenue hw 1, impressions.
