How to make extra money metal detecting

how to make extra money metal detecting

As a kid, the majority of my detscting and eleventh years were spent poring over treasure hunting magazines. I was a budding archeologist, coin collector, historian, and ghost-town adventurer wrapped into one junior-sized Indiana Jones. When I realized there was a device available that could turn any backyard into a potential dig site, I had to have one. I petitioned them for a metal detector like most other kids my age begged for a new bike or skateboard. Since my record of past requests was fairly modest and I tended to take very good care of my things, the folks ketal me. I was the proud owner of a brand new Garrett Groundhog detector by the time I was Metal detecting is often misunderstood by the general public. Relic hunters look for artifacts, not necessarily coins or jewelry think Civil War enthusiasts looking for Confederate belt buckles or musket balls. Beachcombers are looking for anything of value — modern coins, jewelry. Coin shooters focus on older, more valuable U.

Metal detecting tips, finds, reviews and more! Get the reviews before you buy and the advice to inspire

Practicing the hobby that you love on a daily basis is awesome. This applies perfectly to Metal Detecting, indeed many people who enjoy this hobby are wondering whether it is possible to make a steady income from it. In fact, I asked people practicing this activity on a daily basis and I will share with you their thoughts …. So, can you make a living metal detecting? It is possible to earn a living, but it is usually very hard to do so. In fact, it depends on so many factors … This includes how experienced you are, the metal detector you are using, the locations you are exploring, your dedication for this activity and even how smart you are about marketing your finds and services. When I asked this question to dozens and dozens of hobbyist, most of them were not so optimistic about that! There are ways to work around that and make money in a smart way. After asking that much people, I would say about 70 of them said no it is not possible! This is a sample of their answers! This reflects different opinions, but shows also that if these people could see openings they would definitely go for it! Everything was impossible until somebody makes it happen…. To start making serious money out of this activity, you need to consider it first as a hobby! You need to be passionate about and practice it consistently under different circumstances …. Thus you will gain enough experience to start targeting profitable locations and targets properly.

Do you make money beach metal detecting is something I often get asked?

There are some museums who would love to cooperate with professional metal detectors to empower their display. To come up with relics and old stuff that you could sell for museums, you will need a detector that have the ability to detect that!


You might think treasure hunting is the domain of professionals with expensive equipment — and it can be. But anyone can find treasure, and without pumping the water out of a river or borrowing a satellite. In fact, here are some of the treasures found by regular people, without expensive equipment, in just the first few months of this year:. A few Google searches can add dozens of examples to that short list.

Sometimes first-hand accounts can give us some of the best clues to discovering an old homestead that we would have never found otherwise. I will observe the Golden Rule, using good outdoor manners and conducting myself at all times in a manner which will add to the stature and public image of all people engaged in the field of metal detection. You will learn where to look, when the best time to go and once you have found your first valuable item, you will never look back. You cannot allow noises such as traffic, the wind, or kids screaming get in the way of hearing the sounds your detector is making. Beaches are usually fair game — but again look for signs.

How much money do you make metal detecting?

And you can pretty much assume that Federal Parks are off limits. Why do you need headphones? Meanwhile, where can you use it? How tech-savvy are you? Here you go! It can be very productive, but it really does depend on the size of the beach and your personal perspective. You can even check to see if your nearby University Library has some to offer. You can purchase a subscription online for any of these magazines, or buy current issues at your local metal detector shop. This is also just good ethics. This makes disposing the trash at the end of your hunt much easier. Pouches that connect to your belt are invaluable in my opinion. In fact, very few people I know are in this hobby for financial gain. The first thing to understand is that different people have different reasons to detect. This can provide invaluable clues and help you laser makd your detecting ho.

Are you looking for ways to earn some extra money, or perhaps change your career while doing detectkng you love? For 40 years, I have been a treasure hunter earning an income from my hobby, and I’ll show you how with my book! All of my books are koney — digital books for easy download. I have enjoyed and learned much from your TV show, web sites, Blog, writings, and personal contacts. I hope more adventures are soon to come. I will definitely use some of the ideas. Thanks for opening up an entire new world of detecting for me.

how to make money metal detecting

Connie L. Exploring Historys Treasures. I began in the hobby of metal detecting, probably detectingg same way you did. I purchased my first metal detector, and then went out and dug piles of pull-tabs and tin foil. That was when I realized that I could earn some extra cash using my metal detector. I have never been the one to stop trying new ideas, so throughout the years, my abilities to earn money from treasure hunting increased. My experiences have given me the lifestyle I always wanted. I will show you 5 exciting ways to turn your hobby into dollars, using your metal detector. How to make extra money metal detecting I mentioned earlier, I am not the only treasure hunter who has been earning a living from doing what I love. I have met other treasure hunters who are living lives that I admire. They also started the same way I did, by first owning an inexpensive metal detector and then moving on from. My ebook is written from many years of experience.
