Weird business ideas that actually make money

weird business ideas that actually make money

First things. Actuakly need you to register as a free member. It’s a quick and simple registration process. Goggles for dogs? Being chased by zombies? Pet rocks? Ideas that, believe it or not, made millions. We’ve compiled our favourite crazy business ideas below These past few years, even though unemployment rates were high and the odds of business failure ixeas the first five years was over 50 per cent, people got creative. Consumers are always looking for something new, and the stranger the idea, the more heads weird business ideas that actually make money turned. A dating website is nothing new, but ashleymadison. Although the site has drawn heavy criticism, no one can deny that the business venture is a huge success, receiving roughly 1,00 visitors per month.

The advance of the internet has democratized admission to the world of entrepreneurship. From virtually anywhere in the world provided internet access , makers can launch real, viable businesses capable of generating millions of dollars a year. While technology has lowered the barrier to entry to starting a business, there’s still an infinite supply of problems just waiting to be solved. With tons of ideas out there, the primary ingredient for building a startup — besides time and a bit of luck — is execution. You just have to get started. Modern businesses rely on email to get their work done. Improvement in aviation technology has made it easier than ever to get a drone up and flying over a beautiful landscape or building. The commercial and residential real estate industries are practically begging for more drone videographers to serve their agents and home developers. Companies waste dozens and dozens of hours a week answering support questions from their customers. You can start an e-commerce business without holding any inventory. This practice, known as drop shipping , offers a lot of opportunity if you can dominate the right niche.

If you know an industry or task really well, you can easily create and sell an online course that teaches people a new skill. You’ll just have to invest the resources upfront that are necessary to develop the class. You can run social media accounts for a number of different companies if you market yourself well. Using your ability as a marketer, you can be compensated for directing traffic to these locations. In any market, there are opportunities for buying and selling real estate to make a profit. With a bit of capital, you can begin taking more risks on your assets and making long term investments in residential and commercial real estate. Just be sure to do your research before you get started. You can turn your ability to write well and quickly into a serious business if you find the right clients. Try freelancer platforms like Upwork and Freelancer. As long as you provide consistent and quality content, over time, your business is bound to grow. Being fluent in another language can be extremely valuable to people who need their websites translated.

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weird business ideas that actually make money

Weird & Wacky Small Business Ideas

Subscribe to our YouTube channel. Specialty food businesses fulfill the demand for new spins on popular food products. These vendors create unique experiences around particular foods, allowing them to sell at a premium price. Professional bakers or baking enthusiasts with a good sense for business may consider selling edible cookie dough. While this business can certainly remain small, the growth potential is huge. You may expand locally, regionally, and even nationally while still keeping costs low since the product can easily be shipped. The earning potential of this business is great, considering the high markup potential of this specialty product.

You can then grow your business to start an agency or hire other freelancers to help out. The unbelievable part is not the idea itself, anyone can have a weird thought, but the fact that he went on with his plan and it paid off — big time. However, at the same time, these new technologies are creating tons of new jobs and business opportunities ready to be taken by anyone. Some of these unique business ideas make you shake your head in disbelief, while others make you mutter, «Hey! Food and recipe blogs use a variety of techniques to generate revenue like using Google AdSense, affiliate marketing, selling recipe books, or run an online store. There is no need to invest huge amounts of money to get started. Mannequins for Sale or Rent. Everyone and everything dies, eventually. Note that the trees in the photo are not made of steel but they are a great example of how artificial trees are used in wildlife exhibits. At first, you will be working with random clients, but shortly after you will have a few regular clients offering you enough work to cover your time. Mowing Goats. Neuticles eliminates this concern because «a ‘Neuticled’ pet looks exactly the same after surgery!

Gmail Extension Creator

Offer Technical Support Do you like helping out people on tech forums? Become a Graphic Designer Graphic designers make money by creating images, business logos, website designs, sales pagesand. There is an increasing demand for content marketers that is not expected to slow down anytime soon. Reef balls for pets are also available. It also sells new mannequins and mannequin-themed products like mannequin leg lamps. Now that’s wacky! But there’s also a growing nation of used mannequins. He became a millionaire for selling… rocks.


There are some wacky businesses out there—and, wejrd it or not, many of them are profitable. Some of these unique business ideas make you shake your head in disbelief, while others make you mutter, «Hey! Why didn’t I think of that? The business ideas in this collection range from dealing with head lice to doing strange things makf roadkill, but they all have one thing in common: They’re all real businesses that make iddeas.

Some of monet can do well even in a down economy. Let these unique ideas busihess you to find a niche market of your. If you have a beloved doll that’s seen better days, maybe a trip to a «doll hospital» is in order. At such an establishment, an expert will make the necessary repairs and restore your doll to good condition, whether it needs new parts sculpted and replaced or a costume refurbished.

As a matter of fact, doll hospitals have been around for ages. One of the oldest doll hospitals was established in Lisbon, Portugal, in The Berkley Doll Hospital in Berkley Michigan, is an example of one such business that’s currently operating. If you love dolls and are skilled enough to fix them, mke repair may be a great business idea for you.

Fortunately, there are businesses that provide head lice and nit removal services. Urban chickens are becoming more and more popular—after all, who wouldn’t want a pet that can also make you breakfast? For those who are not ready to go whole-hog and purchase their own chickens, businesses such as Belbeck’s Family Farm offer chicken rentals. Weied supplies complete packages that include egg-laying hens, coops, feed, supplies, and customer support. The farm also has a program where homeowners and their families can raise hatchlings from egg to chick for educational purposes.

Some chicken rental companies also have a rent-to-own option so that renters have the choice of adopting their hens at the end of a specified period. You really have to see NatureMaker’s artificial tree sculptures to appreciate.

NatureMaker handcrafts steel art trees for hotels, casinos, retailers, museums, libraries, zoos, commercial buildings, theme parks, and luxury homes, and they are truly works businesd art. Note that the trees in the photo are not made of steel but they are a great example of how artificial trees are used in wildlife exhibits. So that’s one mannequin-themed business idea. But there’s also a growing nation of used mannequins.

Mannequin Madnessbased in California, won an award from the Odeas Protection Agency for recycling mannequins. The company sells and rents mannequins previously used by companies such as Macy’s, Sears, and Nike. It also sells new mannequins and mannequin-themed products like mannequin leg lamps. Now that’s wacky! At the wrong end of the table? Or just plain impatient? Fear no. You can still break a wishbone of your very own thanks to Lucky Break of Seattle.

Everyone and everything dies, eventually. What happens with our earthly remains is a matter of choice for many people, and now that choice is wider monet deeper than. Eternal Reefs Inc.

The reef ball is then placed into the ocean to become part of a new or existing reef, creating what the company calls a true living legacy. Reef balls for pets are also available. We iseas know that spending time with animals is soothing. If you don’t have any yourself, you can go to a business that does. Is this the purr-fect business idea for you? Google is surely the most famous user of mowing goats; it hires a herd of about goats to mow fields around its California headquarters. But it’s certainly not the only company to hire one of these unusual businesses.

Mowing goats are a lot more eco-friendly than the standard weed whacker and pesticide approach to weeds and long grasses. Goats can’t compete with residential mowing services. Apparently, goats don’t actually do that great a job of mowing lawns but are great for bysiness and brush control, as Gary Pfalzbot of Goatworld.

Still, this may be a great service to offer larger businesses aactually your area. This might be one of the stranger businesses on the list. Still, according to the Neuticles.

Neuticles eliminates this concern because «a ‘Neuticled’ pet looks exactly the same after surgery! Believe it or not, you read that right. On its website, BrewDog proclaims that its beers are in no way commercial or mainstream—and it really means it.

It isn’t as difficult as you think to come up with profitable business ideas that other people think are different, unusual, or just plain wacky.

Opportunities aboundbut many people have difficulty recognizing. What separates the successful buslness from others is their ability to see, seize, and even invent opportunities. Small Business Starting a Idas. By Susan Ward. Head Lice Removal. Trees bjsiness Steel. Mannequins for Sale or Rent. Ever give a thought to where all those mannequins filling up retail store windows come from? Yep, you’re right. Someone made. Probably in a mannequin ,ake.

Synthetic Wishbones. Reef Balls. Mowing Goats. Testicular Implants for Pets.


There are some wacky businesses out there—and, believe it bbusiness not, many of them are profitable. Some of these unique business ideas make you shake your head in disbelief, while others make you mutter, «Hey! Why didn’t I think of that? The business ideas in this collection range from dealing with head lice to doing strange things with roadkill, but they all have one thing in common: They’re all real businesses that make money. Some of them can thag well even in a down economy. Let these unique ideas inspire you to find busineas niche market of your.

Drone Videographer

If you have a beloved doll that’s seen better days, maybe a trip to a «doll hospital» is in order. At such an establishment, an expert will make the necessary avtually and restore your doll to good condition, whether it needs new parts sculpted and replaced or a costume wweird. As a matter of fact, doll hospitals have been around for ages. One of the oldest doll hospitals was established in Lisbon, Portugal, in The Berkley Doll Hospital in Berkley Michigan, is an example of one such business that’s idwas operating. If you love dolls and are skilled enough moneg fix them, doll repair may be a great business idea for you. Fortunately, there are businesses that provide head lice and nit removal services. Urban chickens are becoming more and more popular—after all, who wouldn’t want a pet that can also make you breakfast? For those who are not ready to go whole-hog and purchase their own chickens, businesses such as Belbeck’s Family Farm offer chicken rentals. It supplies complete packages that include egg-laying hens, coops, feed, supplies, and customer support. The farm also has a program where homeowners and their families can raise hatchlings from egg to chick for educational purposes. Some chicken rental companies also have a rent-to-own option so that renters have the choice of adopting their hens at the end of a specified period. You really have to see NatureMaker’s artificial tree sculptures to appreciate .
