Levelling while making money p1999

levelling while making money p1999

Once again they’ll see you mentioning you are bound in OT they’ll OT hammer over to you and get a pickup. As of lately the way levellling server has been CoM is still continueing to be a leveling hotspot for ish players even with specific players I wont name griefing the hell out that zone. We also have hill giants! We are on a pvp server! Level ish camp: Lesser Faydark bandit camp 14 on the mapcommonly refered to as Bandit Sister Camp. There is 4 sisters here, I believe 2 are solo pulls and 2 others always tag along. They drop uncommon — commonly Bronze Weapons which vendor for higher amount of levvelling, sometimes at least 1 plat. Be a levleling mob to check out as your taking the boat. The only alternative to sellable MR earrings off top of my head is Earring of Essence which is Lore so you obviously cant wear 2 at. For the level ish [And shile higher if you choose] we are going to Paineel. This is very dependant on whether the guards like you are not.

For the past 6 months I have had the unique privilege to go back in time and experience the magic of the original EverQuest. Being able to transport yourself back to the original unsullied EverQuest offers one a rare glimpse into the gold standard of how a MMORPG should be designed and produced. Without EQ there would be no World of Warcraft and its legion of imitators. Sadly, the graphically inferior, convenience laden, anti-social, single-player friendly EverQuest of today run by Daybreak Games bears little resemblance to classic EQ circa Additionally SOE replaced the stylized fantasy player avatars with horrifically bad artwork which further eroded the charm of the original EQ. The road to ruin for EQ did not end there. Subsequent expansions such as The Planes of Power introduced portals in the Plane of Knowledge that shrank the size of the world and eroded class interdependency which had the unintended consequences of making the two classes that offered teleportation almost useless. Thankfully there is a way we can go back to Kansas and experience the awe, the magic and the wonder of Norrath once again. Over the last few years, the free to play Project has thousands of players and has a vibrant, passionate community of players that is unequalled today in the current MMO universe. What a player will experience in P is a combination of classic EverQuest, how the P staff has managed to recreate EverQuest and how the players interact with each other.

After playing on the P blue server for about 6 months, what follows is my review of the entire experience. There is very little for me to say about EverQuest that I have not already said in previous articles over the years. One of the biggest accomplishments of the original EverQuest was that it popularized the idea of interactive and cooperative entertainment. For a few brief years EverQuest blazed a trail of innovation and pushed the genre forward. It did not last. As the storytellers took over the helm, the importance of social interaction in virtual worlds has been marginalized and forgotten. People are everywhere in P as they were in the original EverQuest. P is a breath of fresh emancipated air where players are all together instead of being prisoners in the loneliness of instanced dungeons. If you want to experience a thriving and living fantasy virtual world where you can actually talk to other players, group with them, make friends for life then P is your MMORPG. P has attracted and perhaps produced the highest caliber of players that I have ever seen in any MMO.

Everquest Plat Guide Index

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Welcome to our Plat guide for Classic Everquest. This guide was written with P in mind but can be used on any classic or progression EQ server to make platinum. Making plat in EQ is pretty tough, especially as a new player and gearing up is done mostly through plat, except from at the end-game when you can raid to get gear. Well geared players,especially melee classes, have a huge advantage if they can afford to buy twink items such as the Fungi Tunic, haste items and powerful weapons when leveling. Not all classes are great for farming plat. Classes like Rogues and Warriors solo very slowly and has little to no utility for making plat. Monks can hardly carry anything making them poor as well for plat making. On the other hand, other classes are masters at making plat. Druids and Wizards can port for easy plat and Necromancers and Shaman can solo all types of stuff for plat. Below I will go through all the viable class choices for plat making.

This guide is based on my own experience leveling several different classes through different locations to 50 and tips from other players on the best and quickest leveling spots to maximize coin while doing it. I have done it as a Necromancer so you might have to change your strategy or duo some of these places according to your class. Note this is not monsy fastest way to level guide, although it makjng pretty quick if wyile spots you need are not being heavily camped.

Doesn’t really matter. Just hit level I know lots of people go to East Commonlands to get buffs at the tunnel and then just kill whatever they find running. I levellong this method but found it slower than simply soloing without any buffs monsy Steamfont Mountains since there was literally 0 competition for any mobs compared to the 20 other low levels doing the same thing as me in East Commons. Nybright Sister camp in Lesser Faydark. Located next to the entrance to Mistmoore. Mkney weapons vendor for almost as much as fine steel does.

If this camp is taken there is another bandit camp up north, but with 3 spawns who are warrior mobs so they take longer to kill. There is a vendor right there in the zone as well if you are a good race, if not, I suggest binding yourself at the merchants in Steamfont and run back and hope no one has taken the camp.

I made over 2k plat doing here and was levellingg to purchase a full set of Necro gear along with all my spells. Crag spiders in Eastern Karana right by the long winding entrance back into Highpass Hold.

If you happen to levelking a necro, Tol Nicelot in the Erudin library is an excellent solo camp for levels You will want to use fear and kill him as soon as possible because he uses LoH, but he is worth a nice chunk of experience, has a five minute spawn, and averages over five platinum per drop. Sister Hut in Ocean of Tears. Two mobs makinf in this hut, 6 min timer. Easy to break. The longswords sell for 11pp. If this spot is camped, you can do the other sisters on the island as well as the dwarfs, however the coin is not close to leve,ling 2 sisters in the hut.

Edit This camp is far harder than a 24 can do unless you are twinked or a bard class. Tried duoing this with a 25 enchanter and 24 necro and we could both barely kill one of them, they have very high resists.

Edit This camp was pretty easy with the right duo; 24 enchanter and 24 druid. The resists are high, but not too bad if you use tash. Mes the qhile sister chasing the druid. Just make sure they don’t wander too close to the huts with the red cons. Pull so they are farther away, or root them before they get too close. Splitpaw Lair. I personally was able to solo all the spawns up until the double doors. You can duo the room past the doors and levellihg much most of the dungeon after.

Very good money here, and its usually not camped. I rarely saw more than 6 people in this zone while leveling. Bind yourself at the Aviak merchant at the top of KFC for the quickest run back to paw after you unload your inventory. Edit: I don’t know who wrote this, but apparently they don’t know about the treants in Southern Karana.

However, mobey is oevelling other camp in the game in this level range that even comes close to the amount of shile you can make camping the treants. Feasibly one can rake in about 1k per 3 — 4 hours at this camp. Details: Most of the money you’re making comes from cash drops in gold. The lowest amount of gold I’ve ever seen them drop was around The highest was about More often than not, they’re going to be dropping in the gp range.

They also drop Great Staffs, which sell for 16pp, Flawless Aquamarines which sell for 11pp, Black Pearls which sell for 18pp, Peridots which sell for 9pp, and other gems which generally sell for plat prices are based on my charisma, which is The key to making money at this camp is to vendor at the centaur camp which is very close.

There are always Golden Pendants in the merchant’s inventory they aren’t unlimited, so don’t be a douchebag and buy them all, always leave at least 1 so they don’t drop off the list. With 55 CHA, you can whilw them for 15pp 9gp, and sell them back for 14pp 7sp. Greater CHA obviously will decrease your loss, but with 55 CHA, you’re only losing less than 2pp per transfer, which is pretty amazing.

In three days, spending about shile hours per day levekling these, I made over 4k, and was able to gear myself pretty decently, as well as buy three level intervals 24, 29, and 34 worth of research-only spells. There are many more options of things to camp once you are max level, but only a few classes are able to solo these, and I am pretty sure if you are already 50 then you already know about them and there is no need to include them mqking the guide.

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For places levellijg get loot instead see the Treasure Hunting Guide. Many guides tell you exactly where to go to gain experience, but this one tells you your options instead. This is a wiki, so if you have anything to add or correct please click on the «edit» tab at the top of the page.

Best Classes for Making Plat

A few seconds of your time can help make the guide better for. See the Template:HuntingGuideSpot page if you have any questions about the template used to create hunting spot whilw on this page, and see Editing The Hunting Guide for leve,ling walkthrough of adding a new entry to the page it’s easy! Only one filter can be used at a time they can’t be combined. Respawn is In that time you can also kill the 2 Skeletons just in the cave before the crystal room and two possible tentacle terrors in the entrance room or some spiders not too far from the skeletons. Be careful in the first main room, as it is slippery and has a pit with two shadowboness in it. Noney you turn right immediately you won’t agro them, or the shades at whils end of the room. You will then be at a T-intersection: there are two beasts in the room to the right, and three in the room to the left plus one more beyond it. Be careful in the main room, as it is slippery and has a pit with two shadowboness in it. Beyond the pit are two icy shadesand there are more shadowboness and shadow beasts in the adjacent hallways and rooms. To pull the shades without agroing the pit mobs, naking up to the hallways on either side, Calm the far one, then pull the closer one. These ZEMs are known to wuile out of date and inaccurate, but no better information exists. Hunting spots listed here have been shamelessly taken from other guides, forum posts, and even other sites. The goal was to create the best possible hunting guide, in part by consolidating existing guides, for everyone’s benefit.
