Frankel, Ph. Last Updated: Jan 23, Without your awareness, behaviors learned as a girl girla preventing you from becoming a woman who is financially independent and free to follow her dreams. Women and money. What a complex relationship. And we too often rely on others to manage it for us. Despite the fact that in childhood most of us get all the right messages about the importance of being financially independent, we do all the wrong things when it comes to dojt the amount of wealth we need to be truly financially independent.
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Toggle navigation. New to eBooks. How many copies would you like to buy? Add to Cart Add to Cart. Add to Wishlist Add to Wishlist. If you have outstanding balances on your credit cards Without your awareness, behaviors learned as a girl are preventing you from becoming a woman who is financially independent and free to follow her dreams. Now, with the same frank advice and empowering information that made Nice Girls Don’t Get the Comer Office a bestseller, Lois Frankel tackles the 75 financial mistakes that keep women from having the wealth they deserve. She isolates the messages about money given to little girls that little boys never hear. Then she helps you discover the financial thinking that is keeping you stuck in old patterns, dependent relationships, and jobs where you earn less than you deserve. Once you get to the root of the problem, Frankel helps you solve it-with fabulous results. Her coaching tips help you take control of your finances and make more money than you ever thought possible.
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Do you make these «nice girl» mistakes? Being polite, quiet, and fair to a fault is playing the financial game «like a girl. Knowledge is power.
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Now, with the same frank advice and empowering information that made Nice Girls Don’t Get the Comer Office a bestseller, Lois Frankel tackles the 75 financial mistakes that keep women from having the wealth they deserve. This would make a great graduation gift. Maximizing YourFinancial Potentialat. Being polite, quiet, and fair to a fault is playing the financial game «like a girl. If you have outstanding balances on your credit cards Book Format: Choose an option. I wish I had read it years ago Understand your emotions; don’t make purchases just to lift your spirits. Discover all the «nice girl» behaviors-and how to overcome them today! Your email address will never be sold or distributed to a third party for any reason. See all reviews. Learn to manage your major purchases, investments, and banking.
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Lots of very useful and interesting information. Mistake Spending as an emotional crutch. Maximizing YourFinancial Potentialat. Fear can keep your funds in low-interest accounts. Write a review. Walmart Services. Product Highlights She is the founder of MOSTE: Motivating Our Students Through Experience, which is a non-profit organization that provides mentors and scholarships to at-risk, inner-city middle school girls. Caring for others financially and ignoring mkae own momey Due to the high volume of feedback, we are unable to respond to individual comments. You go, girl! Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars, based on 2 reviews 2 ratings. Understand your emotions; don’t make purchases just to lift your spirits. Walmart
In one day I have implemented five of your suggestions and already I feel better about myself and saving money. Pam nice girls dont make money a silver-tongued mind reader. She exudes warmth while observing every possible. As a coach, she build mountains of trust, then delivers perspective shifting challenges.
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Henschel, President, Essential Communications. My work with Pam has made me a healthier, happier doht, husband, father, and friend. She has a velvet hand, but is laser focused and incredibly insightful. Our team owes you our thanks for meeting our organizational goals this year! Over the past year, you helped me attain some very important goals — like the transition to a healthier happier sense of well-being. I really appreciate all of your effort and so do my team mates and family. You work with our leadership group continues to make our company a better place to work and lead. We so appreciate the time and talent you contributed to making this an exceptional day for our audience of over 10, women and high school girls who attended. Previous Next. Facebook Facebook. Coaching has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my professional training. It has significantly enhanced my influencing skills and my strategic thinking. Gulshan Shaver — Perlegen Sciences, Inc. Coaching provided the direction and support to explore my performance and donr.
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