Learn how to make money doing what you love

learn how to make money doing what you love

It’s painful to sit behind a desk inside a walled office when your soul just longs to whar something creative, meaningful, and exciting. It longs to use its unique talents and experiences to do good in the world and get paid well to do it. It dreams of working from a laptop anywhere in the world. The good news is that this is possible. It’s not only possible but necessary ylu your happiness. Five years ago, I was sitting in a business suit and high heels behind a desk working as a corporate banker in New York City.

Imagine these two scenarios:

Whether you’re a new professional or an experienced businessperson, working in a job you don’t love can take a toll mentally. Your Sunday nights become filled with dread as you anticipate another day of watching the clock. On the flip side, working in a profession you love can fill your life with joy and result in a willingness to work long weeks. Your dream job doesn’t have to remain a fantasy. Follow these 13 tips to do what you love for a living. When you’re in a job you dislike, it’s easy to stay put and accept the steady stream of incoming paychecks. Leaving a company includes an element of risk, and it’s easy to compose a mental list of excuses why you shouldn’t pursue your dream. In the end, these reasons only lead to more frustration and dissatisfaction in your current job. Instead of focusing on reasons why you shouldn’t leave, start finding excuses to pursue your dream career. Eboli worked as a sales rep for 15 years before leaving her job in the summer of to pursue a career as a cook. She’s now held over 90 client events and was recently featured on «The Dr.

How It Starts

Oz Show. If you have the burning desire, take the leap and see where it leads you. Andrew David Osborne, the founder of Minifridge Media , left a career in sales in to start his business, which specializes in corporate videos.

learn how to make money doing what you love

Want the low-down on the down-low?

Do Your Taxes the Right Way. Find a Tax Pro. For many already overworked and overscheduled women, this probably seems out of reach. Do you know that there are currently 30 million Americans working as freelancers or independent workers? In fact, I see it every day through the Business Boutique event. There is an incredible movement of women who are stepping into their God-given gifts to make extra money doing what they love. I work with women in all different industries and at all levels of business. I coach women that sell handcrafted hair bows or handbags and those that run professional accounting or photography businesses. It may be a small hobby they occasionally charge for, or it may eventually develop into a full-time company with team members. Regardless of what stage of business you might be in, there has never been a better time to make money doing what you love. As evidenced by the ever-growing popularity of sites like Etsy and Pinterest, there are more and more women running part-time businesses in addition to their full-time responsibilities. Leading up to my first Business Boutique event and while writing my new book, I immersed myself in researching women who ran their own businesses. I spent years studying and interviewing these women. It was personal.

Make Extra Money and Make a Difference

You influenced someone to let you into their inner circle. Find a Tax Pro. Whatever product you decide to create, put it up for sale on your site. In some cases, they feel guilty for pricing their products to earn a profit. Your profit will vary depending on your type of business. You convinced your kids to eat their veggies. In fact, do you want to know what a nonprofit with no profit is called?

1. Find a Service That Helps People

They always have promotional offers on, so go check them out to see what deals you can. I believe you were wired this way for a reason. Here is what people like you have said about the Business Boutique event and the book:. Make an eBook. You have your website set up on Loge You understand that you need to yok your love and knowledge for this thing that you love so ylu. Because they think this way, they end learn how to make money doing what you love having low profit margins and giving away things for free or at cost. Related: 4 Ways to Find Passion and Purpose in Your Life Here are four questions you can ask yourself to get unstuck and to whst work that fits your passions: 1. This is just a starting point, a way for you to learn how to share what you love doing with lots of people, and make money by doing so. Now he speaks, writes and consults leaders all over the world. But I know from personal experience and my years of coaching others that, while pursuing our passion can be exciting, the business side of things can be overwhelming. You can sell either your own products or affiliate products.

You CAN earn an income from your passion

Can people really make money doing what they love? It depends on whom you ask. Here are four questions you can ask yourself to get unstuck and to find work that fits your passions:. There are two types of powerful that questions to determine learn how to make money doing what you love work love language. The first is an internal question. What are those thats? Start a list. Once your list is created, a few thats might jump off the page.

This strategy often unearths new moneymaking ideas around work you would love. The second that question to investigate is an external question. This becomes your next list. In fact, tapping into those dreams is a now way to discover our work passions. In my preteens, I dreamed about playing professional basketball for the Boston Celtics.

But once I realized my natural talent made that dream a fairytale, I thought about what I loved most about basketball—the strategy behind the noney. Understanding basketball strategy always ohw me perform beyond my natural talent and also sparked an interest in teaching others the game. This led me to try coaching in my early 20s. I moved on to other things, but years later when I started my lifestyle business, I mentally reconnected to my basketball coaching years and looked for work opportunities that would make me feel the same way.

Want to figure out what kind of work would fit your work love language? Try revisiting your childhood dreams. Instead, look for opportunities that might make you feel similar to the passion you felt about your childhood dream.

So while, yes, most successful people actually have found work they love, they view it differently from ordinary people. Instead, successful people find work that allows them to invest percent of their time doing tasks they enjoy. So, what kind of work would you love? Use the four questions above to help you figure it out what best fits your passions —and how you can make money doing what you love. From those humble beginnings, he went on to lead a national youth organization that helped teenagers who were just like.

After 20 years in the nonprofit world, he did something crazy… He launched Live It Fowardwhich has become a successful lifestyle business. Now he speaks, writes and consults leaders all over the world. Related: 4 Ways to Find Passion and Purpose in Your Life Here are four questions you can ask yourself to get unstuck and to find work yo fits your passions: 1. What are your thats? What comes easily to you? Can you reshape your childhood dreams?

Are you dealing with reality? Kent Julian. Posted in Business. What a great text, congratulations! We use cookies to ensure that wjat give you the best experience on our website. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Privacy policy Ok No.

How To Make A Living Doing What You Love — Actual Guide That Works

You CAN earn an income from your passion

That being said, there are lots of people who have a very happy life with no money, no possessions and no home. Then, add links to affiliate products to make money, or put adverts on the site. There are LOTS of ways of making money but it starts with making your first website.

Imagine these two scenarios:

Scenario 1 — A man trying to improve his life. Scenario 2 — A man is working on improving himself, and can spend all day on it, because he works from home or wherever he wants doing the things he loves. Although you can be happy and work on yourself without thinking about money, generally speaking having more money means more time and resources to spend on improving yourself, and doing the things you love doing. No — one wins. It all comes down to this at the end of the day. Read that twice. Of course you can! Why not? There are lots of people who have done the same thing! Lots of people. You can sell either your own products or affiliate products. If you want to learn more about this special type of marketing, there are a number of training courses and resources availableopens in a new tab but for now, on with the post about your own business and the basics.
