How to make a money shirt with multiple bills

how to make a money shirt with multiple bills

In this walk through, you will learn how to make a detailed collared shirt out of a one dollar. This makes for a unique origami project and creative way to leave a tip! See Step 1 below to get started! To create this article, 84 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has also been viewed 1, times. Categories: Featured Articles Paper Clothing. Log in Facebook Loading

1. Design the Shirt

Materials; crisp new one dollar bills card stock shirt form — double sided scotch tape —paper tie or paper punched button. All six dollars Fold the white edges in toward the picture of Washington, starting with the long sides, then the short ends. Set aside two of these. Two of the dollars Fold in half. Later when this dollar is assembled onto the collar of the card stock form, fold the top right corners together so they touch in the front forming a collar. Fold so that the number 1 shows on each side. Use the scotch tape to attach the dollars to the card stock form. Attach the flat dollars side by side on the front of the form.

Step 1: Materials

Stick a piece of tape on the cardboard collar on the front. Slip the folded dollar instruction 2 over the cardstock. Attach tape to the front edges and fold over to form a collar. Attach a paper tie for a boy or a bow and paper buttons for a girl. Learn more about Scribd Membership Bestsellers. Read Free For 30 Days. Much more than documents. Discover everything Scribd has to offer, including books and audiobooks from major publishers. Start Free Trial Cancel anytime. Six Dollar Shirt. Uploaded by chrisy Document Information click to expand document information Description: Shirt made from 6 1dollar bills. Date uploaded Jan 30,

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how to make a money shirt with multiple bills


Introduction: How to Make a Money Shirt

Cookies This site uses cookies to enhance your user experience. And the resources out there focusing on this platform are phenomenal! Updated: August 10, Not Helpful 35 Helpful If you have a talent for art, developing the actual visual design for the t-shirt is all part of the fun.

Make sure the picture of George is on the inside. Article Edit. Diversification is almost always a good thing. Cookies make wikiHow better. Civic Loading This article has also been viewed 1, times. Not Helpful 7 Helpful 2. And the resources out there focusing on this platform are phenomenal! Updated: August 10, Even better, check out Merch by Amazon and get your business automatically kicked up a notch by having your t-shirts available on Amazon.

Here I will be showing you how to make a shirt from a dallar. This is NOT one you can wear. Oh and if any pics are fuzzy, I apologize cuz my mom took my GOOD camera cuz she’s on vacation rite. Did you use this instructable in your classroom? Add a Teacher Note to share how you incorporated it into your lesson. If that is the case, exit out.

Because you will not be able to complete this instructable. Or you could get help. Either financially, physically, or mentally. Especially if it’s either mentally, or financially.

But if it were financially, you wouldn’t be using a computer. Why are you still reading? Click step two. That wasn’t a suggestion.

Do it. If you need some explaination, feel free to comment. I’ll try to put better pics later. The pics are in order, so follow them that way. If you don’t, you wont be able to make the shirt. Oh and when you’re done, don’t try to wear it reflecting back on the mental help thing in step one. Introduction: How to Make a Money Shirt. By wazzaaaaaap!!!!! More by the author:. Add Teacher Note. Did you make this project? Share it with us! I Made It! Toddlers Shoes With Anti-slip Sole by how to make a money shirt with multiple bills.

Starting a Handmade Business 8, Enrolled. Reply Upvote.

It is quick to make, easy to recognize, and gratefully accepted by its recipient. With less than 10 folds, you can make someone happy with just a single dollar! Step 2: Fold the dollar bill into quarters. Step 3: Fold the top of the dollar bill.

Much more than documents.

Make the crease right at the border where the money is white. Step 4: Fold up the bottom-third of the dollar. Step 5: Using the crease made in step 2, fold the left and right edges of the dollar bill inwards. Step 6: Fold back the top-edge of the dollar bill one more time. This will be the collar of the shirt. Step 7: Fold the top corners of the dollar bill inwards at an angle join the green dots. See next picture for guidance. Step 8: Peel open the bottom of the dollar. Fold out only the top layer. Allow the crease line to extend from the bottom corners to the raw-edge of the dollar bill see step 5 to locate edge.
